Wow, i feel like i just can't catch up anymore
life is busy with work and church and working out.
it just never ends. I don't want it to end up
but sometimes you just need a break.
so glad we got to do that this weekend
with some friends from Idaho,
Kevin & Gretchen
we went down the HB Pier
enjoyed a stunning sunset
& ate at Rubys
The next day was hoping the beach would
be warm.. but Laguna failed us.. it was
so windy and cold.. no sun :-(
we stayed about 1 hour, ate lunch
then headed back to our apartment pool
where it was much warmer!
aaron loves those chinese therapy massages..
we've gone to get massages twice this month
already! we are in pain....
Aaron and Trigger napping... we find ourselves
here a lot..

Trigger and I running some work errands!
it was about 100 in the car and 95 outside...
therefore the tongue is waaay out.

i love this little guy
with the weather being so nice in the evenings its
fun to go hiking or running nearby.
the aliso creek trail is a famous one for sure.
i find myself on it quite often.
the views to saddleback are great and i love
exploring back there.
the recent Super Moon.. it was way better
to see in real life!
I've found myself at the beach a lot
for work lately. I'm not complaining, trust me.
I have this awesome telephoto lens where
you can zoom in and see something a few
miles out. I spotted this ship in
San Clemente one day!
another great shot from a Dana Point job I had.
I seriously love my job.
and I love my job so much that they even
put me on the cover of the magazine?!
I was soooo stoked! I'm front and center in the
purple shirt with my camera wrapped around
my neck. I have to say, in the 1 year i've had
my business... I never thought i'd make
an impression so good as to get on
their magazine. I must be doing something right.
Life has been great, just super busy.
I kinda like it that way though.
Things to look forward to: