Sunday, April 21, 2013

Motorcycles, Puppies & Magic

Do those 3 things go in the same sentence? 
To us, they do.

We are LOVING our new cruiser Honda VTS
especially me
see that bar on the back seat, that's aaaallll
I get to sit, lay back and enjoy the view.
why didn't we get one earlier?

little triggster ain't so little anymore
16 lbs of pure cuteness.
we still love him...
except when he eats all our leftovers 
from out of the trash can

Have you ever been to the Magic Castle in LA
it's bomb
I've never heard or seen of it before
and Aaron's dad got tickets from one
of the famous "acts" that did a 
dinner table show they were at once.
it's by invite only to get in. you have to
"know" someone.
dont tell..... but you have to say the 
magic pass word to enter in thru the hidden bookshelf
"open sesame" 
we then escaped to another world of magic, fine arts, and drinking! 
well... not the last one
but everyone else did. 

we met a 26 yr old world famous hand trick magician! 
Red Tsai
David Cox
and a mind reading couple, The Bornsteins.
Incredible to say the least.
Though i have to say, i was smart enough to catch
onto some of their easier tricks.
It was a load of fun to be there and so glad we got
to see something different and explore their world.
fun fact: Neil Patrick Harris the actor is the 
president of the Magic Castle!